Website Maintenance
from Templateog体育首页

100% Website care and support about your business


What we do for you

Uptime website monitoring

体验无缝网站性能与我们的正常运行时间监控服务. 快速解决问题确保您的网站的持续可用性, enhancing your online business continuity.

Dev team assistance


Regular website backups

定期备份可以帮助您在几次点击中恢复一个功能齐全的网站副本. The backup files are stored on your hosting account.

Website health check

健康检查您的网站,以确保其性能完好无损, 这包括检查所有页面的各种类型的错误和警告, ensuring that SSL certificate loads on all pages, 正确的内容呈现和良好的整体性能.

Keeping your website up-to-date

过时版本的插件和网站引擎是黑客最好的朋友. 你只需要运行最新版本的软件,你的网站正在使用. 我们将确保及时正确地安装它.

Monthly report

你会得到一份详细的报告,关于可以改变或改进的事情,以最大限度地提高你的网站的性能. 这涵盖了与内容相关的问题,添加/删除页面,或任何与用户体验相关的问题.

See our subscription plans here:



1 Month

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6 Months


$499 for 6 monthssave $95

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Maintenance Expert

Barbara Hodge

Maintenance expert


Brendan Gall

  1. Product page customization;
  2. Icons redesign;
  3. Custom metafields creation;
  4. Mega menu setup;
  5. Regular monitoring and improvements.

“Thank you so much! Looks absolutely amazing! You are awesome. 当我的合作伙伴正式开始业务时,我将重新联系您,购买您对这个网站的维护计划. I will also send others your way too! Really appreciate your help!”

Marko C. Lorenz

  1. Custom layout changes;
  2. Menu setup both for mobile and desktop versions;
  3. Content replacement;
  4. 每月定期进行监控、网站健康检查等.

“总而言之,我在Templateog体育首页,尤其是Spencer的经历非常出色. Their ability to deliver quick, 个性化的解决方案和他们付出额外努力的意愿不仅给我留下了深刻的印象,而且对我的数字形象的成功做出了重大贡献. 我强烈推荐他们的服务给任何想在网上产生强大影响的人.”

Vito Bordo

  1. Redesign of website look and feel;
  2. Store setup;
  3. Development services;
  4. Product import;
  5. Regular monitoring and big fixes.

“Thank you for communication Ethan! 说正经的,我们真的很高兴和你一起工作! 看起来我们在我们的网站上做了大量的工作!”


Still have some concerns?

Our partners

  • SendPulse:简化您的营销与SendPulse的集成平台, harnessing the power of email, SMS, 还有聊天机器人来吸引客户并推动转化.

  • WPMU DEV是WordPress卓越的首选来源, 提供大量的插件和专家支持,以提升您的web项目.

  • HostPapa的绿色托管解决方案优先考虑生态友好性和小型企业的需求, ensuring reliable performance and dedicated support.

  • Elementor通过其用户友好的WordPress构建器简化了网页设计, enabling stunning, responsive sites with minimal effort.

  • Spectra用其先进的古腾堡块重新定义了WordPress编辑, 提供无缝和创造性的页面建设经验.

Website Maintenance Services FAQ

开发团队执行最需要的任务,如更改配色方案, customization of a logo, integration of plugins, changing page layout, localization of a template, and so on. 我们将尽最大努力完成您在购买包中所要求的更改. 如果你想做更多的修改,你可以以每小时20美元的价格雇佣一个网页开发人员.

您的托管对我们来说并不重要,因为我们正在与各种托管提供商合作,除了 hosting companies that we recommend to our clients (where we hosted thousands of websites.)此外,我们可以为您提供最推荐的主机包的折扣.

As our service implies constant maintenance, it's basically a subscription, 这意味着每12个月只会从你的卡上扣除一次付款. If you choose to cancel the service, your subscription will not be renewed in 12 months, 但您将获得预付期内的所有维修服务.


Users can get a refund if our developers haven't yet initiated the first maintenance task; the refund cannot be issued if the task is started. 用户必须在购买“维修服务”之日起14天内提交退款申请.

After you choose and purchase the maintenance plan, 您的项目经理将与您联系,以获取有关您的网站的所有必要信息, including admin login credentials. 当我们得到所有必要的信息,我们可以开始提供维修服务. To help you get the most of this service, 我们会考虑贵公司的所有需求和偏好.

我们支持WordPress, Joomla, WooCommerce, Shopify, PrestaShop, OpenCart.

To initiate a task, you have to contact your PM. 经理将与您联系,并在您订阅后始终与您保持联系. 您可以通过电子邮件、聊天或语音通话的方式讨论新任务.

在线支付通过安全的SSL过程(安全套接字层)进行,该过程保证了高级加密(使用最大的授权标准), at 128 bits).

要了解我们的退款流程,我们建议阅读我们的 refund policy